Women's Health Research Day | April 17, 2024

Conference proceedings

The 2024 Women’s Health Research Day highlighted cutting edge research in the areas of health, technology, and innovation.

Dr. Barbara Boyan began conference proceedings with her presentation Women’s Health, Technology, and Innovation - An Overview. Claire Gill followed Dr. Boyan with her talk Innovations in Osteoporosis Screening and Treatment. Dr. Linda Burkett then presented Looking Beyond the Bladder: Innovation in Female Incontinence. Following Dr. Burkett, Dr. Jessie Oldham shared her presentation Sex Differences in Musculoskeletal Injury Risk Following Concussion: Innovative Assessments and Future Directions. The formal speaking portion of the conference ended with a panel discussion and audience question and answer portion.

Award Winners

Basic Science Research: Hannah Fulenwider for her work titled Chronic Adolescent Stress Attenuates Morphine-induced Antinociception and Central Amygdala Activity in Adult Male and Female Rats

Clinical & Translational Research:  Kelsey Hagan for her work titled Deciphering the Neurocomputational Underpinnings of Risk-Taking in Women with Bulimia Nervosa: Preliminary Results and Future Directions

Community & Public Health Research: Tara Horan for her work titled Maternal Depression Screening in a Community Health Center

Building Bridges in Interdisciplinary Women’s Health Research Award: Lisa Brown her work titled Perinatal Cannabis Use in a U.S. Sample of Postpartum Women: Characteristics, Risks, and Prevention

The Elizabeth Fries Young Investigator Award was given to Hannah Fulenwider. 

Women's Health Research Day | April 26, 2023 

Award Winners

Basic Science Research: Valerie Ericsson for her work titled SPAG17 deficiency promotes accelerated female reproductive aging and fibrosis leading to reduced fertility and parturition defects. 

Clinical & Translational Research: Michelle Eglovitch for her work titled Patient reported insight to guide development and implementation of sleep interventions in the opioid use disorder treatment setting. 

Community & Public Health Research: Carol Olsen for her work titled Heartbeats: A Hospital-Based / Community-Linked Interdisciplinary Program to Reduce Maternal Deaths Through Enhanced Collaborative Services. 

Building Bridges in Interdisciplinary Women’s Health Research AwardAnna Weisse for her work titled Demographic Correlates of the Perceptions of Prenatal Cannabis Use Survey. 

The Elizabeth Fries Young Investigator Award was given to Valerie Ericsson. 

Congratulations to all the winners!

Women’s Health Research Day is a celebration and promotion of research activities in Women's Health at VCU. The annual program presented by the Institute for Women’s Health, now in its 17th year, includes a plenary symposium, poster awards and reception highlighting women’s health research by VCU faculty and students.

All VCU faculty, residents, students, staff, and community members interested in women’s health research are encouraged to attend. Authors with original research are invited to submit poster abstracts in any research area that focuses on women’s health or sex/gender differences. Awards will be given for best posters in Basic Science, Clinical and Translational Research, and Community and Public Health Research. The best overall poster by a junior investigator will be selected to win the Elizabeth Fries Young Investigator Award. In addition, a Building Interdisciplinary Bridges in Women’s Health Research award will be given to the poster that best demonstrates interdisciplinary collaboration in women’s health research.